
july 1

she looks like a little exclamation point of some sort here...


june 19 2024

little begging so cutely for food in the kitchen, what a wonderful photo opportunity!


may 13 2024

little caught mid preparation to jump up onto my bed


april 24 2024

when i'm getting ready to leave the house or walking around my room, little likes to lay down on the corner of my bed and purr and get pet as she chills out


february 8 2024

little relaxing in the sun on her blanket over by my window


january 18 2024

little getting super comfy snuggled up with my arm while i was working on my laptop


january 17 2024

meme made of little getting fed her wet food. the beast has eaten


january 2 2024

little tucked in under my kitty cat blanket


december 25 2023

pic of little my dad took. she looks so polite here but i can assure you, she was begging for food like a nightmare before it was taken


may 2 2023

i got dressed up this day and needed little's approval


march 2 2023

this is how little stands sometimes, for those not aware, she's basically standing on her ankles??? idk why she does this but it makes her look even shorter, it's very cute ^_^


january 24 2023

Little preparing to have a nice nap on my pillow. she threw up on the floor, then stepped on it and then walked up and stepped on my pillow, so i took the pillow case of and had a soft blanket on there instead for a while, Little enjoyed sleeping on it :)


january 16 2023

the beast who licks the milk


december 12 2022

Little sleeping in the crook of my arm, she slept cuddling my arm a lot that day :,)


december 11 2022

Little havin' a good ol' sippy sip of her water


december 2 2022

Little sleeping soundly in her spot on my desk enjoying the morning chill


november 30 2022

once again, Little screams for turkey


november 4 2022

my parents have started feeding Little leftover turkey from the fridge, so now if anyone's in the kitchen she'll sit there and beg. when i take my time to heat up food on the stove she'll lie down and pretend she's ignoring me... all until i take a step towards the fridge -_-


august 17 2022

this is how she sits when i'm working at my desk and i wont let her up onto my desk. she has such big eyes and she knows how to use them to beg


july 14 2022

Little helps me out with some botw by sitting in my lap and occasionally licking the controller

she later goes on to comically stick her head in my mug, which i had been drinking milk out of (she is forbidden to drink milk but loves to try)


july 2 2022

Little looks at the camera funny while sitting on my belly on my bed. this image went on to be turned into a few memes in balls (a discord server i'm in)


february 2 2022

Little enjoyed laying on my chair while I sat at my desk working. what a sassy looking little lady!
