i am no longer interested in posting art or updating my blogs featured here i am leaving the website up but it will likely not recieve any future updates

welcome to my website! i'm cupid, and you can learn more about me on the "about me" page!
here you'll find my art, comics, projects, pet photos, and many more things i'm interested in! if you'd like to say hello go ahead and check out the guestbook, if you'd like to buy any of my art you can find it over on my shop, if you'd like to check out one of my comics, click on fish euthanasia. if you need to contact me, you can find my email over on the "about me" page!
last updates made (7/23/2024)
- changed URL to magicalboycupid
- updated personal blog (1 new entry)
- updated little log (10 new entries)
- added to art gallery (5 new entries)
- removed all products from shop/changed shop URL
- updated about me page (minimal changes)
- not an update but the guestbook site i use is going down soon so :T
updates to come soon!!
- catguy gallery: a chronological gallery of all the catguys i've ever made
- more creative formatting: idk when that'll happen but i want things to look cooler someday